Awakening Prayer Points


1.    Pray for Awakening to saturate every segment of society:  Church-Family-Business-Government-Education-Arts & Entertainment-Media

2.    Pray for a book of Acts and beyond awakening.

3.    Pray for signs, wonders, mighty deeds, and healing.

4.    Pray for unity of purpose in Christ’s body. (Psalm 133:1-3)

5.    Pray for a harvest of souls and laborers for the harvest. (John 4:34-38)

6.    Pray for righteous leaders in government and righteous laws.

7.     Pray for overthrow of abortion in your state and nation.

8.    Pray for church leaders to be filled with passion for Christ and His kingdom.

How to Contact Us:

Tom and Carole Hayes,

Torch of Awakening Directors


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