Jacquie is the president and founder of Kairos
Transformation Ministries and CityGate Atlanta, an apostolic training center
and congregation located in north Atlanta. Jacquie is a member of Network
Ekklesia International, led by Apostle Dutch Sheets and works closely with
Apostles Clay Nash and Ken Malone across the Southern territory of the US
seeking to see awakening and reformation come to our nation.
Jacquie has a passion to see a powerful awakening of Holy
Spirit that revives a slumbering church and ushers a harvest of souls into the
Kingdom, and facilitates a reformation of the church to be the
"ekklesia" of God Christ proclaimed that will bring
transformation in every arena of society. With a passion to see all believers
walking in their God-given purpose and destiny, Jacquie loves to help people
discover their passions, giftings, abilities and callings and then to walk with
them in seeing these developed and brought into convergence for Kingdom
Website: www.kairostransformation.org