Marc and Susan Huddleston are an
apostolic and prophetic team. Marc carries an Apostolic/Prophetic anointing that
God is using in this region to break open the wells of revival.
Marc was radically saved from a life
of drugs and debauchery
in 1980 and then joined Youth With a Mission where he received his ministry training . After
returning to
Lebanon, and
completeing his college education at MTSU, Marc returned to YWAM planning on being a missionary in
a foreign country for the rest of his life; but God had different
God spoke Isaiah 29:17 to Marc,
"In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile
field.....", it was then Marc knew God was calling him back to his home town of
Lebanon to labor for
His kingdom.
Marc teaches Dream Dream Seminars-an
introduction to Biblical dream interpretation, and is available for services in
your area. Marc carries a powerful break
through anointing and is used to impart living revelation bringing the body of Christ into
the new wineskin of ministry.
Susan co-leads the church with Marc.
Susan has been in the ministry for over 25years. She carries a strong prophetic mantle in teaching
and worship ministry and is available for teaching or prophetic worship at
your location. Marc and Susan
have a beautiful little
girl named Anna.